Zeolite, the amazing mineral formed when lava meets seawater, offering numerous health benefits.

What are the Amazing Health Benefits of Zeolite? A Complete Guide

Have you ever heard of zeolite? If not, you are missing out on the amazing health benefits of zeolite, one of the most incredible natural minerals that can help you detox your body and boost your immune system. Zeolite is a volcanic rock that has a unique honeycomb structure that can trap and remove toxins, heavy metals, free radicals, and pathogens from your body.

Zeolite can also balance your pH levels, improve your digestion, enhance your skin health, and more. In this post, we will explore the amazing health benefits of Zeolite, how to use it safely and effectively, and where to find high-quality Zeolite products. By the end of this post, you will discover how Zeolite can transform your health and wellness naturally.

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Note: This post was originally published on July 11, 2022. It has been updated on October 17, 2023, to include new information and tips.

Understanding Zeolite: The Amazing Health Benefits of Zeolite and How It Works

Zeolite is a natural mineral that forms when volcanic ash and lava interact with seawater or freshwater. It has a crystalline structure that consists of tiny pores and channels that can capture and exchange molecules. Zeolite is also negatively charged, which means it can attract and bind to positively charged ions such as heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium, toxins, and pollutants.

Zeolite works by acting as a molecular sieve that can filter out unwanted substances from your body. When you ingest Zeolite, it travels through your digestive system and body and absorbs toxins, heavy metals, free radicals, and pathogens along the way. Zeolite then eliminates these harmful substances through urine or feces, leaving your body cleaner and healthier.

Due to their molecular structure, these toxins bind tightly to Zeolite and are expelled from the body. Zeolite is fully eliminated within 6-8 hours, preventing any accumulation of the mineral or toxins.

Zeolite acts as a catalyst, boosting chemical reactions in your body. It activates enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, and immune cells, improving metabolism, mood, energy, and immunity. Zeolite also helps maintain pH balance.

One of the most remarkable features of Zeolite is its high capacity and power to exchange cations. This means that it can swap ions in and out of its structure depending on the environment. When properly processed, Zeolite can provide your body with beneficial ions (like calcium, magnesium, and zinc) while removing harmful ions (like lead, mercury, and arsenic). The good goes in, the bad goes out. This way, Zeolite can balance your mineral levels and improve your overall health.

The Amazing Health Benefits of Zeolite

Zeolite is a natural mineral that can have a profound impact on your health. It is one of the few substances that can effectively cleanse your body from a wide range of toxins, metals, radicals, and germs. By doing so, it can provide you with life-changing benefits for your physical and mental well-being.

In this section, we will explore the top health benefits of Zeolite, and how it works to transform your health and wellness naturally.

How Zeolite Can Detox Your Body

One of the main benefits of Zeolite is its ability to detoxify your body from various harmful substances. Zeolite can bind to heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and aluminum that can accumulate in your tissues and organs over time. These metals can cause oxidative stress, inflammation, neurological damage, hormonal imbalance, and chronic diseases.

Research indicates that regular consumption of an activated clinoptilolite suspension may offer a safe and effective method for eliminating toxic heavy metals from the body through increased urinary excretion, without adversely affecting essential electrolyte levels. Notably, Zeolite has been shown to target various toxins, as supported by clinical evidence.

Zeolite can also bind to toxins such as pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, plastics, radiation, and drugs that can contaminate your food, water, air, and environment. These toxins can interfere with your endocrine system, immune system, liver function, kidney function, and reproductive health.

Zeolite can reduce mycotoxins like aflatoxin and zearalenone in animals. These toxins often contaminate crops and can cause mold toxicity in humans. Zeolite might also help people with mold-related illnesses by binding to these toxins.

How Zeolite Can Boost Your Immune System

Zeolite is not only a powerful detoxifier but also a potent immune system supporter. It can activate and enhance the function of various immune cells that can fight against pathogens and infections. Zeolite can also regulate and balance the immune system by modulating the production of cytokines, which are molecules that control inflammation, immune responses, and tissue repair.

A study showed that supplementation with a natural Zeolite with antioxidant properties had beneficial effects on the cellular immune system in patients with immunodeficiency disorder. This supplementation increased the counts of several lymphocyte subsets and did not cause any adverse reactions. These results suggest that Zeolite may be a safe and effective adjunct therapy for improving immune function in immunocompromised patients.

How Zeolite Can Reduce Oxidative Stress and Protect Your Cells and DNA

Zeolite is also a potent antioxidant that can help you reduce oxidative stress and protect your cells and DNA from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can react with your cells and DNA and cause oxidative damage. Free radicals can result from exposure to pollution, stress, smoking, alcohol consumption, and aging. Oxidative stress can lead to various health problems such as inflammation, aging signs, chronic diseases, and cancer.

Zeolite can reduce oxidative stress by binding to free radicals such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and neutralizing them. Zeolite can also modulate the production of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione (GSH) which can scavenge free radicals and protect your cells and DNA.

A study showed that Zeolite supplementation reduced oxidative stress and inflammation in rats after partial hepatectomy, which is a surgical procedure that removes part of the liver. These results suggest that Zeolite may have similar benefits for humans who suffer from liver damage or disease caused by free radicals.

How Zeolite Can Balance Your pH Levels

Zeolite can help you balance the pH levels in your body and prevent acidity or alkalinity problems. Zeolite can buffer excess acidity or alkalinity in your body and maintain a healthy pH level of around 7.4. This is because Zeolite has a high cation exchange capacity, which means it can exchange its metal ions with hydrogen or hydroxyl ions in your body fluids.

Zeolite neutralizes lactic and uric acid, reducing muscle and joint pain and inflammation. By balancing pH levels, Zeolite prevents or treats acid reflux, gastritis, ulcers, gout, osteoporosis, kidney stones, skin rashes, eczema, and psoriasis.

How Zeolite Can Improve Your Digestion

Another benefit of Zeolite is its ability to improve your digestion by regulating your gut flora, reducing inflammation, and enhancing nutrient absorption. This ability makes Zeolite a potent gut health supporter.

Zeolite can remove harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, preventing digestive issues like diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, cramps, and IBS. It also promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, improving gut health and immunity.

Zeolite can also soothe inflammation in your gut lining that can result from food allergies, intolerances, or sensitivities. It can also shield your gut lining from damage caused by toxins, drugs, alcohol, or stress. Zeolite can also boost nutrient absorption in your gut by increasing the surface area and permeability of your intestinal cells.

A study showed that Zeolite supplementation can beneficially affect intestinal barrier integrity, accompanied by mild anti-inflammatory effects in subjects undergoing regular aerobic exercise training. These results suggest that Zeolite may be a safe and effective adjunct therapy for improving gut health in athletes and non-athletes alike.

How Zeolite Can Enhance Your Skin Health

Zeolite can help you enhance your skin health by cleansing, detoxifying, and protecting your skin from environmental pollutants. Zeolite has a unique ability to bind and eliminate heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium, that can accumulate in your skin and cause oxidative stress and inflammation. These heavy metals can damage your skin cells and accelerate the aging process.

Zeolite can be applied to the skin to remove toxins and reduce wrinkles, sagging, and discoloration. It also protects the skin from pollutants like dust, smoke, and chemicals. These toxins can clog pores and cause acne, irritation, or infection.

Zeolite is a safe and effective way to enhance your skin health naturally, without any side effects or interactions with other skincare products. It can also support your overall health by removing toxins from other organs and tissues in your body. Zeolite can make your skin look clearer, smoother, and younger.

How Zeolite Can Improve Your Mood

Zeolite can help you improve your mood by removing toxins from your brain. Zeolite has a unique ability to bind and eliminate heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium, that can accumulate in your brain and damage your neurons. These heavy metals can cause mood problems, such as depression, anxiety, irritability, and cognitive decline.

By taking Zeolite, you can detoxify your brain and protect your neurons from oxidative stress and inflammation. This can enhance your brain function and mood, as well as prevent neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Zeolite is a safe and effective way to improve your mood naturally, without any side effects or interactions with other medications. It can also support your overall health by removing toxins from other organs and tissues in your body. Zeolite can make you feel happier, healthier, and more energetic.

Maximizing the Amazing Health Benefits of Zeolite: Safe and Effective Usage

Now that you know the amazing health benefits of Zeolite, you may wonder how to use it safely and effectively. Here are some practical tips and guidelines on how to use Zeolite properly:

  • Choose a high-quality Zeolite product that is pure, natural, and free of contaminants, additives, or fillers. You can find Zeolite products in various forms such as supplements, powders, liquids, capsules, etc.
  • Follow the dosage instructions on the label or consult your doctor before using Zeolite. The recommended dosage may vary depending on your age, weight, health condition, and purpose of use. Generally, you can start with a low dose of 1 to 2 grams per day and gradually increase it to 5 to 10 grams per day.
  • Take Zeolite with water or juice on an empty stomach or at least 2 hours before or after meals. This will ensure that Zeolite does not interfere with the digestion or absorption of other nutrients or medications.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out the toxins and metals that Zeolite binds to. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day or more if you exercise or sweat a lot.
  • Use Zeolite for a short-term period of 4 to 6 weeks or as directed by your doctor. This will prevent any potential side effects or interactions that may occur from long-term use of Zeolite.
  • Stop using Zeolite if you experience any adverse reactions such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, headache, dizziness, rash, or allergic reaction. Seek medical attention if these symptoms persist or worsen.
  • Avoid using Zeolite if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition such as kidney disease, liver disease, or blood disorder. Consult your doctor before using Zeolite if you are taking any medications such as anticoagulants, antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, or supplements such as iron, calcium, or zinc.

Discovering High-Quality Zeolite Products: Unlocking the Amazing Health Benefits of Zeolite

If you are interested in trying Zeolite for yourself, you may wonder where to find high-quality Zeolite products that are pure, natural, and effective. There are many Zeolite products available on the market, but not all of them are created equal. Some Zeolite products may contain contaminants, additives, or fillers that can reduce their quality and potency. Some Zeolite products may also have a low bioavailability, which means they are not well absorbed by your body.

One of the best sources of high-quality Zeolite products is “Touchstone Essentials”, a company that specializes in organic and natural supplements. They offer two liquid Zeolite products that are superior to other Zeolite products on the market:

  • Pure Body Extra: This product is a liquid Zeolite spray that contains 60 ml of nano-sized Zeolite per bottle. It is made from clinoptilolite, which is the most effective type of Zeolite for detoxification and immune support. It is also enhanced with a proprietary process that cleanses and activates the Zeolite for maximum potency. You can spray this product directly into your mouth three times a day. Click Here to discover how Pure Body Extra provides you with Extra Powerful Detox.
  • Pure Body: This product is a liquid Zeolite dropper that contains 20 ml of micronized Zeolite per bottle. It is also made from clinoptilolite, with particles sized to a mean average of 0.4 microns to work two ways: body and gut detox. You can take this product sublingually (under the tongue) or with water or juice three times a day. Click Here to learn how to cleanse your body and gut with Pure Body

These two products work synergistically to provide you with the best Zeolite detoxification possible. They are also free of any additives, fillers, or preservatives. They are vegan, gluten-free, and non-GMO.

These are the Zeolite products that we recommend for your health and wellness. If you want to try Zeolite for yourself, we suggest you start with these products and see the difference they can make in your life.


Zeolite is an amazing natural mineral that can help you detox your body and boost your immune system naturally. It can also balance your pH levels, improve your digestion, enhance your skin health, and more. Zeolite works by acting as a molecular sieve that can filter out unwanted substances from your body and as a catalyst that can enhance chemical reactions in your body.

To use Zeolite safely and effectively, you need to choose a high-quality Zeolite product that is pure, natural, and free of contaminants, additives, or fillers. You also need to follow the dosage instructions on the label or consult your doctor before using Zeolite. You also need to drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out the toxins and metals that Zeolite binds to.

If you are interested in trying Zeolite for yourself, you can find some of the best Zeolite products online by following our recommendations or doing your own research. By using Zeolite regularly, you can experience the amazing health benefits of this natural mineral and transform your health and wellness naturally.

We hope you enjoyed this post and learned something new about Zeolite and its benefits. If you did, please share this post with your friends and family who may also benefit from it. Also, please leave us a comment below and let us know what you think about Zeolite and its benefits. Have you ever tried Zeolite? If so, what was your experience? If not, would you like to try it? We would love to hear from you! Thank you for reading!


Pure Body Extra by Touchstone is a liquid nanosized Zeolite for daily detox at the cellular level

Detoxify Your Body Naturally and Safely

If you want to learn more about the best detox supplement on the market, check out our honest and detailed review of Pure Body Extra by Touchstone Essentials. This product contains a unique activated hydrated zeolite that can remove toxins and heavy metals from your body at a cellular level. Click here to read our review and find out how you can get this amazing product for yourself.

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  1. Hello, I didn’t realize that zeolite could do so many things while detoxing the body from harmful chemicals, it looks like a wonder product. How would I best ingest this product, is it in capsules or would taking a bath with it be as succesfull? And where could I get good quality zeolite online? thank you!

    1. Hello Lizzy, thanks for your comments. You can find zeolite for human use in various forms such as powder, capsules, and liquid. There are a wide variety of options on the market, but be sure to choose natural zeolite (avoid using synthetic zeolites that are artificially made).

      I recommend liquid zeolite because the particles are small enough to be easily digested and absorbed by the body, ensuring a deeper detoxification. You can check our Pure Body Extra product review here, which is a liquid zeolite product we recommend.

      The zeolite bath does not have detoxifying effects on your body, it will only affect your skin. Some users report skin irritation when using powder zeolite over the skin. It may be caused by the size of zeolite particles, but I do not have enough information about it to give you an opinion.

      I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.

  2. That is very interesting. I have never heard of zeolite before.

    Is zeolite hard to come by? I know you stated that it is not found everywhere in the world but is it expensive or hard to find? 

    Have you tried zeolite yourself? I would love to hear about your experience with it. 

    1. Natural zeolite sources are in volcanic areas where lava merges with seawater. However, the expansion of the commercialization of zeolite allows you to get it in most supplement stores or online.

      Zeolite can be purchased in powder, capsule, or liquid form, and its cost depends on the level of processing, with powder being the cheapest, and liquids with micronized zeolite being the most expensive. It’s important to ensure the zeolite is high quality, has been properly cleaned, and is 100 percent pure.

      I have used powdered zeolite and liquid zeolite. I prefer the latter as it does a deeper detox. Since using it, I feel more energy during the day and sleep better. Read this Pure Body Extra Review for more information about the product I use and recommend.

  3. I recently discovered the extensive benefits of zeolite in detoxifying the body from harmful chemicals, and I’m genuinely intrigued by its versatile properties. 

    It seems like a truly remarkable product! I’m curious about the different methods of ingestion—would taking it in capsule form be the most effective, or is there merit in considering methods such as incorporating it into a bath? Additionally, I’m keen on finding a reliable source for high-quality zeolite online. 

    Any recommendations or guidance you could provide on where to obtain it would be greatly appreciated.

    Best Regards


    1. Hello Herman, thank you for your kind words and your interest in zeolite. I’m happy to hear that you have discovered the amazing benefits of this natural mineral for your health and well-being.

      Zeolite is indeed a versatile product that can be used in various ways to detoxify the body from harmful chemicals, heavy metals, and other toxins. There are different methods of ingestion for zeolite, such as capsules, powder, liquid, or even bath salts. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your personal preference, convenience, and dosage.

      Capsules are easy to swallow and convenient to carry around, but they may have lower bioavailability than other forms. Powder can be mixed with water or juice and has higher bioavailability, but it may have an unpleasant taste or texture. Liquid is the most bioavailable form of zeolite, but it may be more expensive than other forms. Bath salts can be added to a warm bath and allow the zeolite to penetrate the skin and relax the muscles, but they may not be as effective as oral ingestion.

      Another important factor is the size of particles used on each zeolite product. The size of zeolite particles can affect how they work in your body. There are different types of zeolite-based on the size of their particles, such as:

      Micronized zeolite: This type of zeolite has particles sized between 0.5 and 5 microns, which means they can pass through the digestive tract and enter the bloodstream. Micronized zeolite can detoxify the whole body and has a higher bioavailability than other forms. Most liquid and capsule zeolite use micronized particles.

      Nano-sized zeolite: This type of zeolite has particles sized between 0.1 and 0.3 nanometers, which means they can penetrate deeper into the cells and tissues. Nano-sized zeolite can detoxify at the cellular level and has the highest bioavailability and potency of all forms, but also the most expensive. Some liquid zeolites use nano-sized particles.

      Larger particle zeolite: This type of zeolite has particles sized between 30 and 90 microns, which means they cannot pass through the digestive tract and remain in the gut. Larger particle zeolite can detoxify the gut and prevent toxins from being absorbed into the bloodstream. Powder zeolites and bath salts usually use larger particles of zeolite.

      Ultimately, the best method of ingestion for you depends on your goals, budget, and lifestyle. You may want to experiment with different forms and see what works best for you. However, you should look for a reliable source of high-quality zeolite that is pure and natural. There are many options available, but not all of them are trustworthy or effective. You should look for a reputable brand that uses pure and natural zeolite that is free of contaminants and additives. You should also check the reviews and testimonials from other customers and verify the claims and certifications of the product.

      We at bodybacktobasics.com recommend high-quality liquid zeolite products from “Touchstone Essentials”, a company that specializes in organic and natural supplements. They offer two liquid zeolite products that are superior to other liquid zeolite products on the market. They are also free of any contaminants, additives, fillers, or preservatives, and are vegan, gluten-free, and non-GMO:

      Pure Body Extra: This product is a liquid zeolite spray that contains 60 ml of nano-sized clinoptilolite per bottle. It is enhanced with a proprietary process that cleanses and activates the clinoptilolite for maximum potency. You can spray this product directly into your mouth three times a day.

      Pure Body: This product is a liquid zeolite dropper that contains 20 ml of micronized clinoptilolite per bottle. It has particles sized to a mean average of 0.4 microns to work two ways: body and gut detox. You can take this product sublingually (under the tongue) or with water or juice three times a day.

      These are the liquid zeolite products that I use and recommend for your health and wellness. If you want to try liquid zeolite for yourself, I suggest you start with these products and see the difference they can make in your life.

      I hope this information helps you make an informed decision about using zeolite for your health and well-being. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

      Best Regards, Pablo

  4. I found your article on zeolite health benefits to be incredibly informative. It’s fascinating how this natural mineral can offer such a wide range of advantages. I’m curious, have you personally experienced any of the benefits mentioned? Additionally, do you have any recommendations for reliable sources or brands for obtaining zeolite supplements?

    Your explanation of how zeolite works at a molecular level to detoxify the body was particularly enlightening. It’s impressive how it can selectively trap harmful substances. Have you come across any studies or research that further support these claims? This information is invaluable for someone like me looking to explore natural ways to improve my overall health. Thank you for sharing this comprehensive guide!

    1. Hello pasindu, I’m glad you found my article on zeolite health benefits helpful and informative. Zeolite is indeed a remarkable natural mineral that can offer many benefits for your health and well-being.

      To answer your questions, yes, I have personally experienced some of the benefits of zeolite, such as improved digestion, enhanced immunity, and reduced inflammation. I have also noticed a positive change in my mood and energy levels since I started taking zeolite supplements. I started using zeolite powder mixed with water until I found and tried liquid zeolite.

      As for reliable sources or brands for zeolite supplements, I recommend Touchstone Essentials, a company that specializes in organic and natural supplements. They have two liquid zeolite products that are superior to other liquid zeolite products on the market. They are:

      Pure Body Extra: This is a liquid zeolite spray that contains nano-sized clinoptilolite, which is the most effective form of zeolite for detoxification. It is enhanced with a proprietary process that cleanses and activates the clinoptilolite for maximum potency. You can spray this product directly into your mouth three times a day.
      Pure Body: This is a liquid zeolite dropper that contains micronized clinoptilolite, which is the ideal size for body and gut detox. It can reach the intestinal tract and bind to toxins and pathogens there. You can take this product sublingually or with water or juice three times a day.

      These are the liquid zeolite products that I use and recommend for your health and wellness. If you want to try liquid zeolite for yourself, I suggest you start with these products and see the difference they can make in your life.

      Regarding the studies or research that support the claims of zeolite, there are many scientific papers and articles that you can find online. Here are some of them:

      Zeolite Clinoptilolite: Therapeutic Virtues of an Ancient Mineral – PMC (nih.gov)
      Clinical evidence supporting the use of an activated clinoptilolite | NDS (dovepress.com)
      Frontiers | Critical Review on Zeolite Clinoptilolite Safety and Medical Applications in vivo (frontiersin.org)

      I hope this answers your questions and gives you more insight into the amazing benefits of zeolite. Thank you for your interest and feedback. I appreciate it very much. Please feel free to leave more comments or questions on my blog post. Have a wonderful day! 

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