Detox Ginger Tea

What To Drink To Detox Your Liver

Our overall health and well-being depend heavily on our body’s ability to eliminate toxins. Because of the ongoing exposure, we have to toxins present in the environment, in the food, and in the commercial products we use daily, we all need our detoxification mechanisms to work at their best.

Our liver is the most important organ in the detoxifying function of the body. It works tirelessly to detoxify our blood, produce the bile needed to digest fat, break down hormones, and store essential vitamins, minerals, and iron.

Most people need a serious detox. A liver cleanse ensures that we have the most important detox machinery in optimal conditions for its function. Here we will see What to Drink to Detoxify Your Liver.

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Liver functions and their importance

The liver is one of the most important organs in terms of the metabolic activity of our body. It regulates the level of most chemicals in the blood and secretes bile, a fluid that helps transport waste from the liver.

Blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver, where many harmful and toxic substances are processed and broken down for the body, nutrients are created, and many other compounds are metabolized.

The following are some functions of the liver:

  • Process nutrients absorbed by the intestines
  • Regulate blood composition to balance proteins, fats, and sugar
  • Production of essential proteins and cholesterol
  • Destroy old red blood cells
  • Produce essential chemicals to help the blood clot properly
  • Breaking down and metabolizing alcohol and medications
  • Removing toxins from the bloodstream, including bilirubin, ammonia, and others
  • Storage of minerals, iron, and vitamin A

What is an intoxicated liver?

It is an inflammatory disorder because of exposure to certain harmful substances. The liver can become intoxicated by alcohol, chemicals, natural plants and infusions, medications, and even nutritional supplements.

According to research, among the most common drugs, paracetamol is one of the most harmful to liver health. Similarly, care should also be taken with anti-inflammatories and antibiotics because they risk poisoning.

Natural Drinks to Detoxify the Liver

Many foods are key to eliminating toxins from the liver and keeping it in good condition. Among them we have citrus fruits, which have a cleansing effect on the liver, garlic which is a product that helps the elimination of toxins, and some vegetables, such as broccoli, do a similar function.

The drinks we will mention below are easy to prepare and can help us keep our liver healthy, promoting its detoxification and purification.


Our cellular machinery requires to be well hydrated to function properly. Water helps our body’s detoxification system eliminate wastes carried by the blood.

The liver is the filter of our body. It is responsible for eliminating toxins from our blood. That’s why it’s very important to stay hydrated. If we do not drink enough water our blood thickens, which makes it difficult for the liver to filter it easily.

It is recommended to drink at least two liters of water a day, although this amount also depends on the number of other liquids consumed, and the water contained in the food we eat. Although the most direct sign that we need to drink water is thirst, another easy way to tell if you are well hydrated is the color of the urine, which should be quite clear. If it’s a dark yellow, you’re dehydrated.

It is very important to make sure you have a reliable source of healthy water. We can improve the water quality in our homes by using water filters. The best option for removing toxins and heavy metals from the water supply is a reverse osmosis filter. We can also use hydration water bottles, where we can add tasty fruits and vegetables into the water for an extra burst of flavor.


Some studies link coffee consumption to a protective effect on the liver, especially against problems such as fatty liver disease. It is recommended to drink between 2 and 3 cups of coffee a day.

The protective effects of coffee are because it promotes the reduction of fat accumulation in the liver and its influence on liver enzymes, which help eliminate carcinogenic substances from the body. It also increases the number of protective antioxidants in the liver.

According to these studies, people who drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day have a lower risk of fibrosis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. And in the case of patients who already have liver lesions, this progress more slowly with coffee consumption.

There are more studies with beneficial findings conducted in patients with fatty liver and hepatitis C that reinforce the beneficial use of coffee.

Try different versions of your coffee drink by adding cinnamon, cloves, or ginger, and you’ll increase the benefits of your cup of coffee while getting a variety of flavors.

Ginger infusion

Ginger is a plant that has been used since ancient times for its culinary qualities, both for its aroma and its delicious taste. But it is also considered a plant with excellent medicinal properties.

One of its best-known uses is as a home remedy to purify and eliminate impurities found in our liver. Ginger contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory enzymes that protect the liver from diseases such as fibrosis, and also stimulates circulation by aiding in the removal of toxins from the liver and other organs in general.

The use of ginger is very common in cooking as a condiment, but we can also consume it as an infusion. To do this we must boil the ginger and cut it into wheels or scratch until it releases its essence. We can add cinnamon and lemon to enrich its flavor.

Oat drink

Oatmeal is rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins, which help cleanse the intestines and liver and aid digestion. In addition, it is rich in beta-glucans, which are very active compounds in our body, which help reduce the amount of fat stored in the liver.

Beta-glucans can also stimulate the immune system and help kill cancer cells.

Oat drink is a perfect detox drink that helps remove toxins from the liver and the body in general. To prepare an oatmeal drink we must leave the flakes soaked in water for several hours (6 to 8 hours preferably), then strain and add vanilla and cinnamon. Oatmeal water turns out to be a very refreshing drink.

Turmeric infusion

Turmeric is a very powerful spice that has been used for centuries in Ayurveda, the ancestral medicine of India. Several studies have shown the great benefits of turmeric, including protecting against liver damage.

The potential benefits to the liver and gallbladder of curcumin, the main medicinal component of turmeric, include increasing the production of bile, and digestive fluid, and protecting liver cells from damage from bile-related chemicals.

One of the best ways to detoxify our body is to drink turmeric tea every day. Turmeric tea or infusion can be prepared in several ways: it can be made by grating turmeric root or using pure turmeric powder, or by shopping at the store in tea bags.


What are the Health Benefits of Curcumin?

turmeric root and powder

Curcumin is a powerful compound from Turmeric that can improve your health in many ways. It can fight inflammation, protect your brain, lower your risk of chronic diseases, and more. But how can you get enough curcumin from your diet and supplements? Click here to read this post to learn the best ways to enjoy the health benefits of curcumin.

Green tea

Green tea is a purifying and antioxidant drink. It helps reduce the levels of fat accumulated in the liver and favors the decrease of triglycerides in the blood and the cholesterol index.

According to recent studies, green tea can help reduce total fat content, fight oxidative stress and reduce other signs of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (known as NAFLD).

We can prepare the infusion at home by boiling water with a tablespoon of green tea or buy the bags in any store or supermarket.

Grapefruit drink

Grapefruit is a tropical citrus fruit known for its sweet taste and bitter touch that can be enjoyed in multiple preparations, and that has transcended as a food of total benefit for health by containing great nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber.

One of its most important features is that it can help detoxify the liver by being a citrus hepatic tonic and digestive remedy that thanks to its essential oils stimulates the digestive organs. In addition, it accelerates metabolism and reduces cholesterol and triglycerides making it ideal for treating these conditions naturally.

Undoubtedly the best way to enjoy the properties of grapefruit is in a juice because this way you make the most of its nutrients. This healthy drink can be part of your breakfast to start the day with energy.


The liver is one of the most important organs of our body, and it is key in the function of detoxification. Keeping our liver healthy is vitally important to our overall health.

By drinking these easy-to-prepare beverages daily at home, we can help our liver to stay in optimal condition to detoxify our body.

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