Image of a woman shampooing

Why You Should Avoid Parabens at All Costs

Parabens are chemicals that are widely used as preservatives in many products, such as cosmetics, personal care products, foods, and beverages. However, parabens are not harmless. They can have negative effects on both human health and the environment. In this blog post, you will learn why you should avoid parabens and how to find safer alternatives. You will also discover some tips and suggestions on how to reduce your exposure to parabens in your daily life. Read on to find out more.

Illustration of a hand facing up below a pancreas

How to Detox Your Pancreas and Boost Your Health Naturally

Your pancreas is essential for blood sugar and digestion. But it can get hurt by bad diet, alcohol, stress, or infections. To cleanse your pancreas and improve your health, follow these easy steps: eat well, drink water, exercise, and take supplements. In this post, Discover how and why these steps work for your pancreas.

Image of snacks and drinks in a grocery store

How Ultra-Processed Foods Are Ruining Your Health: The Science Behind Why They Are Bad for You and How to Ditch Them

Ultra-processed foods are foods that have been heavily altered by industrial processes and additives. They are linked to obesity, inflammation, chronic diseases, and brain changes. Learn how to identify, avoid, and replace them with healthier alternatives.

Image of a cup of Brazil Nuts

How Selenium Can Save Your Health from Heavy Metal Poisoning and Other Diseases

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that can protect your body from heavy metal toxicity and various diseases. Learn about the benefits of selenium, the symptoms of selenium deficiency, the best food sources of selenium, and how to choose the right selenium supplements for your health.

Image of Corn, one of the most common GMO foods

Why You Should Avoid GMO Foods and Choose Natural Living

GMO foods are foods that contain genetically modified organisms that have been altered in a laboratory to have certain traits. They are widely used in agriculture and food production, but they pose serious risks to your health and the environment. In this blog post, we will explain what GMO foods are, what their dangers are, and how you can avoid them and choose a natural life that respects nature and supports sustainable practices.

Cilantro is the best herb to remove heavy metals from your body

Cilantro: How to Detox Heavy Metals Naturally and Effectively

Cilantro is an herb that can help you naturally and effectively remove heavy metals from your body. In this article, we explain how cilantro eliminates mercury, lead, aluminum, and other metals, and how it protects your vital organs. We also give you tips on how to consume it and combine it.

Lots of plastic bottles and packing in waste basket

How Microplastics in Food Affect Your Health and What You Can Do About It

Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic that are in our food, water, and air. They can cause various health problems, such as inflammation, oxidative stress, endocrine disruption, toxicity, and more. Learn what microplastics are, where they come from, how they affect your health, and how to remove them from your body.